Managing a military budget!

Managing a house hold is hard work! I am 19 and I already realize this my husband is a marine and money is always tight! (Military don’t even make as much a McDonald workers, they make less than minimum wage because they are technicaly government property.) See I’ve been raised in a military family though and a lot of people marry military for the money and benefits…I don’t know what their hearing or what world their in but there aren’t really a lot of benefits. When I was working I made three times as much as my husband! But Noe that I’m not due to being sick all the time we have to budget and budget really hard.

So my first point that I’m going to make is DONT SPEND ANYTHING! And I mean it! Don’t spend, dont look, don’t even think about things you “need.”

My second point is that you must figure out the difference between “oh honey we “need” this tool or makeup” or whatever the real need is when you figure out oh were having a baby, oh the house flooded, oh there’s mold and it smells so bad. (Trust me I know from first hand experience.)

And my third and final point of the day is save every receipt because theyhabe tgise shopkick apps now and all that pay you for shopping if you just take a picure of your receipt. Also write all you spend on bills and other little things each month to see what you can improve on!

Thank you for reading this and I hoped it helped you guys!! Oh and in cause your low on money which I know everyone wants more money follow this link!!